Tuesday 18 September 2012

I am here

People watching
So I've come up with a final idea for the I am here project. It is based on overheard conversation, what you hear when people don't notice you. I am planning on using sound clips I receive from conversations I overhear at work and out and about, and use illustrations and typography to display them. I'd like to get some more experience in After Effects, so it is my plan to create an animation from the bits and bobs I discover in the next few weeks.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

I am here

And so it begins, a new project ready for the beginning of year 2 in October! Scary stuff...
We have been asked to prepare a digital presentation for the first week with the title 'I am here', this can be about anything so I must come up with a good idea! Ideally I would like to create a film/animation as I'd like to explore this media more but all the equipment I have is an Iphone, which could be fun. I had the brief idea of creating something about what you can find out about me through my Iphone as it embodies everything I do. Lots to think about... need to get the brain pumping!

I am here