Photography Project Research

I've done quite a bit of research for my iconic photo project so and I thought it would make it easier and more accessible to put it into one place.

I'm not the most clued up person when it comes to how photography works, I found the Trent University archives really helpful in explaining the different methods of early photography, do have a look.

Library Research
I managed to find a few books containing some interesting early portraiture.

Gloria Swanson behind a veil
I found this image absolutely stunning, the layering effect of the lace and face creates a really in-depth photo. Gloria Swanson's eyes capture your gaze and are truly beautiful. Gloria was an American actress, singer and producer and was very prominent during the silent film era. The photo was taken in 1925 for the cover of Vanity Fair by Edward Steichen. Sadly this photo has already been used in the project before, but I thought it was too striking to not include in my research!
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This photo of Gina Palerme in 1915
 strangely reminds me of old photos that
i've seen of my mum!
I think this photo from Edward Steichen in 1928 is really beautiful and shows simple class. Yet I'm not sure how much it could be considered an iconic image and I think it would be quite easy to re-create.
Ziegfeld Follies
Ziegfeld Follies were a series of elaborate productions in Broadway and New York in the early 1900s, involving glamourous showgirls, I found the photographs taken of the women in the shows during the 1920s really glamourous and beautiful. The photos make the women seem very dominant and powerful, at a time where women were still seen as inferior to men, and i think that message is really important.

The renowned photographer of the Ziegfeld Follies was Alfred Cheney Johnston (1884-1971). Johnston was asked, by Florenz Ziegfeld, in 1916 to become the official photographer for the follies and was promoted as 'Glorifying the American girl.'. Johnston went on to create the 'Ziegfeld girl' which became the next standard of beauty for a new generation of Americans. 
Muriel Finley Circa 1920s

I haven't been able to find much on Muriel Finley, other than that she was a Ziegfeld Follie show girl. But even with the little knowledge I have of her, I think this photograph is my favourite from what I've found. the lighting is beautiful, she looks so glamourous and proud, i just love it. I am going to send it to Nigel as a request, bit concerned about the nudity involved though!
Peggy Shannon circa 1920s

This photograph of Peggy Shannon is very similar and i think it's really beautiful. Both could very easily be created in a studio without the need for photoshop.

I am struggling to find the name of this follie, but i really love the picture. I think the expression on her face is captured beautifully from this angle and i love the way the photograph is executed.

Louise Brooks was an American dancer, model, showgirl and actress and was well known for her stylish bobbed haircut. I think this photo of her, taken by Eugene Richee in 1928, is really beautiful. The use of pure black and white with such a high contrast works really well and creates a really exciting photograph. 

Glamour of the Gods: Hollywood Portraits